Make it Sticky

What if students connected with the messages we preached? What if what we spoke from the platform connected with the very issue’s students are facing? What if students didn’t leave the environments we create for them with no idea what was said or what to do with it? I believe that students connect, engage, and ultimately remember the words we say when we make them sticky. 


I know some of you may be thinking, “The Bible is enough” or “Truth is enough.” Why do we need to package it in some creative/sticky way? Jesus did! 


Think about it… He always spoke in parables so that the average person of the day could understand what He was talking about, contrary to the belief of some that He did it to confuse people. The only people He confused were the religious leaders who were out of touch with the common man. Let’s make sure we are communicating truth in a creative and relevant way that is in touch with the common student God has called us to reach.


What does this look like? To me it really goes beyond our sermons and encompasses the entire experience we create for students. Is it sticky? Do students connect with it? Do students leave and remember what we just gave them or walk out and have no idea what to do with it? Making it sticky is really about getting intentional with the Who, Why & How when we are building experiences for students. 


For more practical ideas of what this looks like check out my book or join one of our free Youth Ministry Roundtable’s via zoom. 


Matt Moore

Pastor & Author of Intentional Youth Ministry 

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